The security landscape is rapidly changing due to the relationship between technology and physical crime.

How can you tell where your security vulnerabilities lie?

What may have given you value and assurance in the past may no longer do so as the lines of defence morph and blur.

Criminals, activists or terrorists can use an access card to enter a building and then hack into your computers, making firewalls ineffective. Or a disgruntled employee may disrupt or sabotage your operations.  Security systems need to converge as criminals take advantage of the silos of physical, operational and cyber security that most businesses operate under.

Think about your current security solutions – do you rely solely on physical presence, cameras, alarms or access control? Or are you spending your security budget on optimising cyber security at the expense of physical preventative measures? Can you be confident that the dollars you spend in security are efficiently protecting your assets?

The key to continuity is cohesion.

Southern Cross Protection starts with a risk assessment to truly understand what is required to protect your assets. Then, we tailor an intelligent solution by using the suite of services we offer: guards, patrols, CCTV, access control, alarm monitoring and response, and an overarching piece of software that can bring it all together.

We are passionate about keeping people, businesses and communities safe.

To receive a free and confidential site assessment, please contact us on 1300 136 102 or enquire online.